Trap Idea...
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1050
Is it possible to have a pit-trap that moves characters to a different location when they trigger it? - preferably just the characters that are above the trap at the time?...
- just set a trap trigger area to be the pit in the regular play area. Then attach a trigger script that teleports the player that doesn't detect the trap to the "pit" you've made in a sub area (the area load will be the "fall") with
a damage modifier (4d6 or whatever depending on how deep and if there are spikes ;-)).
In the pit you have a text pop up appear telling them what has occurred, "You have fallen into a hidden pit where there seems to be a hungry *insert creature* eyeing you from across the way...". Then you can drop in a locked door to represent where the PC has to climb out, with a check on the lock to roll against, say, the PC's Dex and level to determine if they can open it. If they succeed they are teleported back to near the original trigger area and each time they fail they could take a smaller amount of damage than the first fall caused if you are really mean ;-)....
Cord Grimwinder
- By doing something like I mentioned in my first reply in the thread; making you own little formula based on whatever you like. For instance you could set a "climb" DC for the "climb" on that door in the pit then determine the PC's chance of success (their climb "skill" if you will) by doing something like getting a percentage chance to "roll" against by taking the PC's Dex times their level then adding modifiers like +Rogue levels, or plus half Ranger levels, etc.
So a level 10/5 Fighter/Rogue with a 16 Dex would get a 15(Levels)x16(Dex)=240+5(Pure Rogue Levels)=245. Now divide that by the DC and multiply by 10, and use that number to determine the check percentage. In this case the PC would get about a 98% chance at DC 25, 82% at DC 30, 61% at 40, etc.
You'll notice that, as it should be, the higher the the DC the lower their chances will be and the higher their base "climb" numbers the higher their chances will be.
It's something you'd have to play around with and tweak the numbers a bit but the basic concept should work for emulating most any skill that isn't directly supported by using their various stat and level numbers with whatever other modifiers you like in "check formula" form.
Cord Grimwinder