Chris Taylor Interview has conducted an interview with Chris Taylor of Gas Powered Games about their upcoming RPG Dungeon Siege. In it, Chris answers some questions about possible future platforms for DS, what Microsoft's role is, and more. Here's a snippet:

    In your point of view, what sets Gas Powered Games apart from other developing companies?

    Well, every single person in the company is totally focused on making a great game and works on Dungeon Siege everyday. We don't have management per se, everyone works on a job that directly affects the game. Even our front desk woman, Michelle, does research, takes screenshots, and puts a great deal of contribution into the game. I don't think that exists in all companies. We have a hardcore work ethic, and feel that to make a great game you really have to put everything you've got into it. We're a smaller company and don't have a lot of the luxuries some larger companies may have, like accountants, finance, etc. We all wear a bunch of different hats and work 12-14 hours a day to get everything done.