Changing Character Names (Aliases)

How will aliases be handled in NWN? If a character wishes to go to a new area (due to a misunderstanding or such :)) and adopt a new name, will this be possible?

    From the E3 interview with Rob in the Members area at

    Aqua - How will PC names work as far as when they meet someone new, or are disguised? Will you just "know" their name by default, or will there be some type of "introduction" feature?

    Rob- Introduction features are neat in a few rare circumstances but they can quickly become frustrating in the vast majority of others. For the time being, PC and NPC names will not be hidden. If, during the testing process, we find that this needs to be changed, we may consider it as a server option. Keep in mind, every creature in the game has a name, so just because a character has a name doesn't mean they are a player character.

    Cord Grimwinder-8d

    Quote (Marc Holmes, NWN Art Director):

    We have not finalized any implementation of this idea, but we are planning for a disguise skill which will allow you to mask your name and class. If DM's don't wish to force players to use the skill, they can script items which grant the ability. Again, this is not working right now, and is only a *planned* feature, (of which we have hundreds yet to implement) but that's the current solution to enhancing this type of plot twist.

    :End Quote

    In other words, they are all over it ;-), if Disguise makes the cut it will mask your true name as well as your appearance.

    Cord Grimwinder-8d