Category: News ArchiveHits: 1129
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Yes. The other modules could be set up in a single party mode, allowing only one party active at a time. Other people could still join, but they would all be grouped into one party. I know this isn't exactly what you mean so here is some additional info. There are two ways to do exactly what you desire. One involves changing a server setting after the party has joined, then setting the server to stop listening for joining requests. The other way to do this would be to set a limit on the number of players allowed on the server. When the maximum player numbers arrive, the server would stop listening. Following the adventure, you can set the server to reset after the adventure is completed and the party leaves. Additionally, you could set the server to auto-load another module after the completion of a module.
Trent Oster
As for having 7+ party members rather than the 'normal 6,' I think you're confusing us with a sequel to Baldur's Gate. NWN is something very different. Its focus is on multiplayer gameplay where the player is generally given control of an individual character rather than of a larger party. Your 'party,' then, consists of other players from around the world and can be of almost any size.
Rob Bartel
We are still hoping for the inclusion of a henchman system, allowing the player to adventure with a follower who aids the player. The henchman will be an intelligent character with his/her own motivations, so don't expect the order to attck a group of demons to result in a selfless rush, the henchman may decide discretion is the better part of valor and opt for a speedy retreat.
As to party size, there will be no limit on the number of players in a party.
Trent Oster
Those types of competitive scenarios are totally possible,and should be a lot of fun. It can get pretty complex, for instance: A good party vs. an evil party in a race for a magic artifact. At the same time, a pair of assasins hired by an evil cult tries to take out as many of them as possible. At the same time, a small party of thieves is in the area trying to raise a stake. They've infiltrated both groups and are making life interesting for everyone... A typical day on a NWN multiplayer server...
Rob Bartel
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Cord Grimwinder-8d Moderator