Chat Features
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1046
We just put in a bunch of new chat functionality. What we've got is:
Say (speak to those in close proximity)
Guildchat (speak to those in your guild)
Officer Chat (speak to all officers in your guild if you are authorized)
Chatgroups (Invite-only chat channels)
Groupchat (speak to everyone in your group)
Broadcast (not like the old version, carries through defined areas like the village of Norwich, Prydwen Keep, etc., most adventure areas are not in any of these)
We've also put in multiple chat panes, and you can configure what forms of chat go to what windows. Hey, if at one level these worlds are chat clients filled with pretty pictures, they might as well be *good* chat clients.
--Dave Rickey
Thanks Dave, those new features seem great!