Donations Via PayPal

As I have mentioned in the past, GameBanshee costs several hundred dollars a month for server hosting. Unfortunately, because internet advertising revenue is so low, about half of the server costs come out of my own pocket. I'm a devoted RPG fan and I've enjoyed every minute of putting together this website, but after many hours of work, it is a bit disappointing to have to make a hefty payment each month just to keep it alive.

How can you help? Well, aside from buying games through the many Chips & Bits links around the site, we offer a way to donate to the site via And now, after several requests, I have added the option to donate via PayPal as well. So if you'd like to help the RPG cause and ensure that GameBanshee will be here for all your gaming needs in the future, feel free to visit our donation page and donate even just a few dollars, as every little bit helps.