Horses in Camelot
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1119
In order to alleviate the traveling time problems, we've decided to implement an "alternative mode" of transportation: horses. This is the first implementation of horses; more will come after release. This first step is for ALL level characters to use. It is quite inexpensive.
There is now an extensive network of Stables in each Realm. You can rent a horse to go from one stable to another - and by linking trips together you can now safely and quickly get from one part of a Realm to another. Please note that you cannot control a rented horse; you ride it as it takes you down the roads of its Realm to a predetermined destination. For a list of destinations, see the world notes, below.
To rent a horse, go to a Stable Master, who can be found in logical places near the towns and cities of each Realm. Right click on the Stable Master to bring up a list of destinations that you can rent horses to take you to. For example, the Stable Master in Snowdownia Station will rent you a horse that takes you to the North Gate of Camelot City. Purchase the ticket from the Stable Master, and then drop the ticket on him. Your horse will appear, and you'll be off to your destination and a breakneck pace.
Please note that while you are riding no monsters will aggress on you. You can move the camera around using the normal camera movement keys, but you cannot move your character. You can jump off, if you wish, before you get to your destination by hitting the "jump" key. You'll also notice that your horse will slow down as it approaches and goes through towns; but it will speed up when it is on the open road.
There may be some problems with the horse's paths - please take note of situations where your horse gets "off road" and heads off in a random direction. Please post which path you were on if this happens.
Please note that you will not collide with bridges and other objects while on horseback in Midgard and Hibernia. You'll "fall through" bridges in those two realms currently. We know about this.
Horse Rental pricing is experimental and may be changed in the future.
Interested in seeing what riding a horse is going to look like? Check out Camelot Warcry's screenshots right here.