New Buff System Explanation
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1035
It USED to be that each player had a cap on how many buffing points were effective. We lumped all three buff types into a pool, and said, "you can go no higher than this number." Players were hitting this cap around level 20 or so with just their base buff. This was not effective, or particularly rewarding to people who chose to spec in buffs. Not only that, but at the levels that people were getting the cool +stat items, they weren't making a lick of difference.
So NOW we have a different system. You can hit a cap in base, spec, or item (cap meaning a point past which you cannot be buffed), but the COMBINED buffs have no hard cap. (The cap is by default the three different caps added together.) The system overall IS more effective, especially at the higher levels, although people relying solely on base buffs have noticed less effectiveness. Each player has the capacity to achieve much better buffing than before the patch, and this system is more rewarding to those who chose to specialize in buff lines, or to do quests resulting in stat item rewards. I'm really looking forward to spellcrafting now, which will add stats to player made items.