Lum the Mad Interview has conducted an interview with Scott "Lum the Mad" Jennings, who recently left his website to go to work for Mythic Entertainment on Dark Age of Camelot. An excerpt to follow:

    {UnknownPlayer} Tell us about how you started in gaming?
    {Lum_} You mean when I played D&D when I was 10? That was fun. We were all 1st level, and the first room had a troll. We ran. The second room had a balrog. We stopped running.
    {Lum_} I've played computer games pretty much since they started, which is pretty sad and depressing when you think about it. So I don't.
    {Lum_} I ran a web site for Daggerfall, which was pretty popular. It had "don't do this or the game will blow up and you'll lose all your saves" tips. Like ranting, but actually helpful!
    {Lum_} Then there was UO, and then the web site about UO, and then it all runs together. Then the ice wolves come.