An Unknown Interview?... not really.

UnknownPlayer head an interview with some very well known faces in the Shadowbane community and the MMORPG community in general.

In attendence were :
Jessica "GamerGal" Mulligan, Themis Group
Sean "Ashen Temper" Dahlberg, Shadowbane
Chris "Vosx" Mancil, Ubi soft, Shadowbane
Daniel "Savant" Manachi, Themis Group
Paul "Sage" Sage, former Lead Designer of Ultima Online, currently working on the Tabula Rasa design team.
Mike "Mike" Fisher, Producer of Underlight
Damion "Ubig" Schubert, Lead Designer of Ultima Online 2
Geoffrey "GZ" Zatkin, former Game Designer for EverQuest, Sr. Designer Sovereign
Scott "Lum the Mad" Jennings, DAOC

Now with a rollcall this big, you would expect the chat to be especialy long, and leme tell ya it is. Grab something to drink and have a look-see.
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