Version 1.62M Patch Notes (Test)
Category: News ArchiveHits: 864
Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.62m Release Notes
Thursday, May 29, 2003
We've changed the way that the different "modes" (passive, aggressive) work when controlling pets. Now, pets in aggressive mode will automatically attack non friendly targets (before that target performs any aggressive actions), so long as they are within the pet's aggressive range and the pet isn't currently engaged in another action.
In order to still allow the previous "aggressive behavior", where a pet in aggressive mode would not take any action on a target attacking the controller until the controller told it to, we have also changed the way that Passive mode works. Pets in Passive mode will now set their target, attack, and change to defensive mode when the "attack" button on the Pet Control Window is pressed.
Realm v. Realm:
- The Master Eldritches of Hibernia defend their border keeps more aggressively than ever before. Fellow Hibernians should no longer fear being killed while near their border keeps.
- You will no longer get experience for killing The Master Summoner of the Dead (the Hibernian Corpse Summoner)
Dungeon Notes
- The Naburite Drinkers in Darkness Falls that were set to uncharmable have been fixed.
- We have removed the wait time for the portal from the expansion areas to the realm portal keeps after another player begins to teleport back. Players can now teleport back to the portal keeps at any time without waiting for the portal ceremony to finish.
Midgard Quests
- Mammoth Hunt: We have slightly toned down the difficulty of step 5, which requires players to clear a Morvalt camp.