Neverwinter Nights Chat Log
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1248
Papermonk (CODI): What part of HotU are you proudest of, individually?
Jay Watamaniuk: We have received mail about spellcaster's running into trouble with running out of quickbar space. It is something we are looking at for the future but I can't say too much about it now. It is a community request however and we have mentioned it to the powers that be.
Tom Ohle: Definitely the venom vial icons. :) But seriously, everything the team did was amazing. I think the overall feel of the game just turned out so much better than we anticipated. I did some other item crafting icons I'm extremely proud of. ;p
Rob Bartel: Personally, I really enjoyed getting into the planar mythos with Chapter 3 and coming up with an environment and storyline that felt appropriately epic.
Jay Watamaniuk: I think the genius of some of the special armor you can buy. The descriptions and look were genius.
Georg Zoeller: Hmm, much to select from :) - but personally the armor appearance modification and the new spells and the Chaos Shield ;)
Darcy Pajak: I'm just very proud of the whole team. The designers created a great story. The artists really pushed the graphics engine with their models and areas. The voices were done in Edmonton for the first time, and Dave Chan really did a great job there. I'm even happy that we have a 5 disk holder in this one.
Tom Ohle: While I didn't do the weapon upgrade system, I thought it went a long way towards making the game cooler. It saved us a lot of Monty Haul balance issues as well. I licked the box. It tasted yummy.
Georg Zoeller: yea, the diskholder was really a personal highlight when opening the box
Derek French: I liked the Mike Sass cover myself on Hordes