World of Warcraft Answers and Advice
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1067
Guardians of Blizzard (GoBs) guard unfinished areas of the game. During the alpha, GoBs appeared as glowing, green infernals and yelled warnings before teleporting you back to town. Players were able to sneak around these easy-to-spot GoBs and explore the unfinished areas with impunity. There seems to be a deadly new breed of GoB in the beta. Now disguised as ambient creatures, these GoBs with slay you without warning once you step into detection range. Be careful if you're near the border of an off-limits area and you suddenly see a large cluster of player corpses with no visible enemies in sight. You could get slain by a squirrel.
There is a very large level-44+ dragon wandering around the Alterac Mountains. If your screen starts shaking and you hear large, booming footfalls, drop whatever you're doing and run. If you are unable to escape, turn around and take a screenshot for posterity.