Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Diary #7
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Number Balancing is also a critical part of this phase. Now that we're actually playing the game, we can start to really understand which enemies or powers are grossly over-effective, and which never seem useful in actual practice. As the project continues, we will adjust these things many, many times. Our eventual goal, of course, is to ensure that enemies are challenging, but defeatable, and that all the hero powers are actually worth using.
Each character, whether hero or villain, will be examined several times, both individually and in expected match-ups. Does this character have a power level appropriate to the stage of the game they'll appear in? Does it interact well with the characters it will be near? Does it have a unique feel to it, or is it too similar to pre-existing characters? And, as always, the hard-to-quantify but vital quality: is it fun?