EverQuest II Previews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 864
Outside of the towns there are zones that house the monsters and other quest NPCs. Fighting isn't twitch combat but it's not the press the attack key and watch TV until either you or the mob is dead. You have combat abilities that you utilize to defeat the mobs. Griefers are hosed in this area as well. No more KS'ing. Once you've engaged a mob, that mob is yours until you break the engagement, kill it or die trying. Unfortunately this means no more fly by buffs or heals. You cannot be healed while you're engaged in a fight and the only buffs you get are from group members. It's definitely a challenge that won't bore you.
The backdrop for EQ2 is pleasing. With a huge graphics upgrade, you won't be disappointed with the eye candy. Everything is very vivid and lush. The towns are each unique in their design and the water and particle effects are unmatched. Be sure to upgrade your graphics card because it's taxing even on a 9800 pro. However, you won't be sorry you did.
And the second is at Gamers With Jobs:
After collecting about five quests I ventured out past the guards and looked to pick some fights. The island is essentially one big newbie area so it's not too dangerous to wander around and choose your battles. Unlike the original Everquest, EQ2 gives you quite a bit more to do during a battle. Not a lot at level four but more than just the usual (press attack and make a sandwich while you wait) style of play. It boils down to adding in cheap shots, special attacks and some defensive moves amongst your usual swings and strikes. It feels a little like Galaxies to some degree but rather than queuing up a bunch of attacks all at once you can only use one and have another standing by at any given time. This may not sound all that great but it comes into play a bit more once you start getting into (heroic opportunities) which is essentially chaining special attacks together in a certain order for different magical and extra damage results.