Vampire: Bloodlines v1.2 Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1303
This document details numerous fixes and changes to Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines in the 1.2 patch. The patch will not affect saved games from the retail version of Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines. It is strongly recommended that you disable any anti-virus software before installing.
Minimum System Requirements:
'¢ 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compatible 64MB video card and drivers
'¢ 1.2 GHz Athlonâ„¢ or 1.2 GHz Pentium® III processor or higher
'¢ 384MB of RAM (512MB of RAM recommended)
'¢ Microsoft® Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP
'¢ Quad-Speed CD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers
'¢ 3.3 GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files and saved games (plus 1.4 GB for Windows® swap file)
'¢ 100% DirectX® 9.0-compatible 16-bit sound card and drivers
'¢ 100% Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP-compatible mouse, keyboard, and drivers
'¢ DirectX® 9.0c (Included)
Supported Chipsets for 98/ME/2000/XP
All ATI® Radeon® Chipsets
All NVIDIA® GeForce™ Chipsets
Matrox® Parhelia™ Chipset
NOTICE: This game contains technology intended to prevent copying that may conflict with some disc and virtual drives.
- Fixed C++ Runtime error on launch of the game due to older versions of Python interpreter.
- Fixed Invalid dialog responses due to older versions of Python interpreter.
- Fixed problem where keys and keycards may disappear from player's inventory.
- Fixed problem where binding either Enter or Right Mouse Button to the Use key would cause the inventory window to immediately close after opening. These bindings are now no longer permitted.
- Added (Inventory Full Items Dropped) message when player receives items beyond the inventory limit and added inspection particles to the dropped items. This addresses the issue with cameras being lost in the (Model Citizen quest.
- Fixed problem where a player would have both the vampire and warform models stuck together when both Fortitude and Protean (level 5) are activated.
- Fixed crash to desktop when the player returns to the boat after rescuing Johansen from the Society of Leopold.
- Fixed problem where the newspaper would report success in the (Model Citizen) quest even though the player had failed it.
- Fixed problem where the player can log on to the Theater computer before receiving the (Tangled Web) quest from Mitnick.
- Fixed problem with haven mailboxes not receiving award for completing the food critic quest. quest.
- Modified E dialog so that it is easier to receive the (Thinned Blood) quest.
- Modified Regent dialog so that he now recognizes completion of the Gargoyle quest.
- Modified Isaac dialog so that he now recognizes completion of the King's Way and Gargoyle quests.
If you find that you are not accumulating experience points as you complete quests, this is because you have Auto-Level turned on and the game is automatically spending your experience points to improve your abilities and attributes. To disable Auto-Level, access the Character Sheet and click on the Auto-Level toggle button.
Once you acquire a new haven, your Santa Monica haven computer and mailbox will no longer function. Use the computer and mailbox of your new haven instead.
When you are playing a Nosferatu, your grotesque appearance prevents you from using the taxi that appears after you blow up the Sabbat warehouse. Nosferatu characters must travel between game hubs using the hub map found in the sewers.
Most performance problems reported to Activision Customer Support are due to computer systems not meeting the minimum system requirements or not having the latest video and sound card drivers installed.
If these are not the causes of any performance problems you are experiencing, we recommend that you try some or all of the following suggestions.
'¢ Set your desktop to a resolution of 800x600, 32-bit True Color and play the game at that resolution.
'¢ Shut down all background applications.
'¢ Disable any anti-virus software you are running.
'¢ Set the game's Game Options to their minimum settings. In particular, disable Environmental Effects.
'¢ This game requires a 1400MB swap file. If you are using Windows XP, 98, or ME, make sure that you have (Let Windows Manage My Virtual Memory) enabled, and if you are using Windows 2000, make sure that you have manually set your max swap file size to 1400MB. In addition, make that you actually have enough free space on your hard drive to facilitate the swap file (1400MB).