The Matrix Online Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 949
All that holds the Matrix Online back from being the best MMORPG on the market are its relatively high hardware demands and the fact that it is still shaking out performance-wise. Both for fans of the Matrix and for fans of online role-playing games, MxO is a terrific choice that is only going to get better.
The second is at GamePro with an overall score of 3.5/5:
Ultimately, one gets the distinct impression that the game is essentially one big work-in-progress. Sega should definitely capitalize on The Matrix Online's sizeable Live Event staff, one of the game's key advantages. Even if the missions are lousy and the combat sucks, there's undeniable appeal in bumping into a real-world actor playing Morpheus or the Architect. But for now, it's tough to recommend the game to anyone but Matrix true believers. Perhaps they can find out just how deep this rabbit hole goes, or if it in fact goes anywhere at all.
The third is at Game Over Online with an overall score of 72%:
I honestly wonder why Warner Brothers decided that a MMORPG would be the best way to go. The expectations for a Matrix title are too high and the competition is too fierce. Personally, I see more potential in MxO's system for a single-player game than a multiplayer one. The time spent on a beast of a project like this could've produced a brilliant multiplatform RPG. Come to think of it, it would've been a less elitist means of storytelling as well. I like the idea of affecting a story experienced by thousands. Problem is, not all of us can afford six hours a day to earn that right.
And the fourth is at Plain Games with an overall score of 3.5/5:
The Matrix Online doesn't compare to the wonder of the movies, since it's really a lot like every other MMORPG out there, but without the knights and mages. Still, it has its merits and is good for plenty of hours of play. Despite the number of glitches in the Matrix, the world presented is still one you will want to jack in to when you're looking to escape reality.