Jade Empire Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1206
There are just enough rough edges--erratic frame rates, astronomically long load times, and the aforementioned camera problems--to suggest that Jade Empire may have benefited from a few extra months of development polish. But no matter. In the end, the game is still hopelessly engrossing and thoroughly replayable. What were you expecting? Hey, this is BioWare we're talking about here.
And the second is at Ferrago with an overall score of 78%:
From reading this review you may think that I didn't enjoy Jade Empire. This isn't true; I did have plenty of fun and would recommend it to fans of Eastern mythology and those who like a big story in their beat-em up games. There are some structural flaws, most noticeably terrible loading times, yet on the whole Jade Empire is a solidly constructed game. But for me, as a long time RPG fan and proud owner of every BioWare title, the thrill has gone. I fear this great Canadian company is in danger of becoming the EA sports of RPGs. With a core design template that has changed little over the decades and 3D graphics that still look lifeless even when they are beautiful, BioWare also need to approach the combat situation from a totally fresh perspective. They are to be applauded for at least having the guts to try, but on evidence of Jade Empire, KOTOR and NWN, they desperately need to stop simplifying things and allow players the freedom and tools to make wonderful adventuring a phrase once again synonymous with BioWare. Struggling against the competing forces of gamers, the wider market and changing technological platforms, BioWare have managed to create some exciting and enjoyable games. And while it's not the unqualified success that many initially thought, Jade Empire does show that the company does have the talent to once again forge new RPGs that are essential purchases.