Guild Wars Reviews

ArenaNet's Guild Wars continues to receive very high review scores, with three more reviews of the subscription-free MMORPG making their way to the web. The first is at Game Industry News with an overall score of 4.5/5:
Soloing is made easier than ever. Simply recruit a few NPC henchmen and you can quest to your heart's content. Add a healer and a warrior to your party and off you go. There's a corner of Guild Wars to suit your every mood. Head to towns to chat, dance and play air flute it has to be seen to be believed. But if none of your friends are on or you're not in a socialising mood, the henchmen are comfortingly silent, although not the sharpest tools in the box.

The second is at LAN Mines Arena with an overall score of 99%:
With new chapters and expansions planned for release, Guild Wars is poised to tackle the MMO genre head on. Even with its few minor flaws, such as invisible walls and collision detection foibles in the battle areas, Guild Wars is as close to perfection as anyone can expect in its genre. After almost six months, we finally have a front runner for the coveted PC Game of the Year Award.

And the third is at GameGal with an overall score of 9.0/10:
The emphasis in Guild Wars is on working in groups, and if you go solo, you'll be spending large parts of time all alone. When you leave a city or encampment for a mission or just to explore, the game creates a unique instance of that area for you meaning you'll never run into other players on a mission or just walking down the road. On one hand, that means no teenage maniacs running around stealing your kills. On the other hand, it makes the world of Guild Wars a somewhat lonely place, unless you hook up with a group before setting out into the wilderness.
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