World of Warcraft Battlegrounds Review
Category: News ArchiveHits: 924
The second barrier to actually having any fun with the game you're paying nine quid a month to enjoy, is that the Battlegrounds have certain level limits. For the basic Capture The Flag action found in Warsong Gulch, you need to be at least level 21, with separate queues forming for each sub-group of ten levels. The idea is to stop level 50 demi-gods from taking on mere level 21 mortals. The effect is that unless you're at the highest level in each tier (30, 40, 50 and 60), you might as well not bother as you'll be outgunned anyway. It actually has the effect of making level 30 players, for instance, actively not want to go up a level as it means they'll have to grind through another nine before they can really take part again.