More World of Warcraft Character Transfers
Category: News ArchiveHits: 934
To better balance overall realm populations, we are offering another round of voluntary character transfers to those players wishing to seek greener, lower population pastures. In addition to giving players the chance to adventure and do battle with an entirely new populace, this round of character transfers will help reduce queues on high-population realms.
Below is the list of currently eligible and upcoming realm-to-realm transfers. We'll make another announcement here when realms in the second list below become eligible for transfers. Alternately, you can visit our new Changing Realms page, available after logging in to account management, to see the list of realms that are currently eligible.
If you wish to participate, visit our Character Transfer page to start the process! We expect that transfer between the currently eligible realms will be available for approximately two weeks, and we will post another notice here prior to their closing.
Blackrock → Bloodscalp
Icecrown → Azjol-Nerub
Deathwing → Stormscale
Frostwolf → Frostmane
Cenarion Circle → Feathermoon
Ner'zhul → Crushridge
Proudmoore → Dragonblight
Silvermoon → Draenor
Archimonde → Firetree
Kil'Jaeden → Boulderfist
Tichondrius → Dunemaul
Doomhammer → Perenolde