Guild Wars Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 943
For many, it's a fun time sink for a few weeks or a couple of months. In fact, it's an exceptional way to fill your evenings and weekends while running through the missions, enjoying the richly detailed world and devising brilliant new strategies for the skills you acquire. The players who find themselves a home amongst friends in an active guild and become involved in heated competition will likely find Guild Wars a vicious addiction for quite some time. This really is a case of a very good game whose long-term appeal depends more on the player than on any faults in the game The fact that this game can't offer that longer term addiction to a broader base of players is the primary reason why the review score isn't even higher. It's an exceptional game on so many levels, and it's on those merits that Guild Wars deserves all of the accolades it has received. Buyers should balance their long-term gaming interests with what Guild Wars has to offer, while also keeping in mind that Guild Wars does not charge a subscription and will continue to offer free updates. While you're trying to decide whether or not to throw down the $50, I'm going to keep thanking ArenaNet for making such an exceptional game and raising the bar on other developers, particularly in terms of the graphics engine, patching and content streaming.
And the second is at HurtStreet with an overall score of 8/10:
The game as a whole is really innovative and fun to play. The graphics are okay, and the sound gets pretty dull, but I just turn that off and play my own CD after a while. The cost is well worth it, and it is always nice to take your awesome character and kick serious ass with him/her in the player vs. player (PvP) arena. Every ability you unlock in the game is unlocked for your PvP characters too, so experiment and you'll end up with that perfect character in the end.