The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Preview
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Combat in The Elder Scrolls IV promises to be both visceral and engaging. You'll attack with the right trigger and block with the left. Tapping the trigger activates basic swipes, while holding it performs a power swing. Power swings vary depending on the direction in which you're pushing the analog stick and the combo system supplies a wide range of attacks that are easy and intuitive to perform. Your available weapons include mighty broadswords, maces, axes, daggers and shields (not to mention a bow and arrow as well). Magic is also a viable source of combat power in the world of Oblivion, represented by six different disciplines including Illusion, Mysticism, Destruction, Alteration, Conjuration and Restoration. You'll also be able to create custom spells if you choose the path of a Mage. During your quest, you'll also have the opportunity to join one of many different factions that exist in the Elder Scroll's universe. These include the Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild, the Fighters Guild, The Nine Divines, The Dark Brotherhood and the Arena Guild. Of course, your alignment with good or evil will change depending on which group you join. The Mages and Fighters Guilds are firmly on the side of good, while the Thieves Guild and The Dark Brotherhood are appropriately sinister. The Arena Guild puts you through combat for sport as a gladiator, while The Nine Divines are a religious order you can choose to join if you wish to become a monk. You can even rise through the ranks of any of these groups to become the leader. How's that for depth?