EverQuest II: A Year in Review
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1077
Coin on monsters is okay, I guess, but the really interesting addition was labels on gear. One of six labels was added to the information sheets for just about every item in the game. From most common to rarest these labels were: handcrafted, treasured, legendary, fabled, mythical, and artifact. Most of the more mundane items crafted by trade-skill classes using common items were given handcrafted labels. Common chest drops and quest rewards were treasured. Items crafted from rare components, the more difficult quest rewards, such as heritage and signature quests, as well as semi-rare chest drops (semi-rare chests were also only added recently) were legendary. The rarest and most powerful items dropped from the most fearsome of epic encounters were given the label fabled. Extremely rare items given out from GMs during limited engagement GM events were labeled mythical. Finally, artifacts are the most elusive and rarest treasures seen on the face of Norrath. Only one of an artifact item exists on a server at any given time.