Camelot Grab Bag Q&A
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1095
Q: In 1.82C, friars get a 25% chance to fire off a heal proc, and wardens get a 15% chance. Why the difference?
A: Normally, I avoid these, because I am a coward. I know that approximately a thousand people will write in explaining that the answer I gave proves how much I personally am a giant loser for many reasons, all listed in the following email with footnotes. And a bibliography. Possibly with a bonus commentary track.
But I am trying not to be a coward in 2006! It is the year of Not Being A Wuss! (It is also the year of not taking. attitude. from inferior life forms, but so far, my beagle has not gotten the message. It is to be hoped that I do better with my anti-wuss resolution.)
Here's why I am wincing. The answer is simply that in this particular area, friars needed a bigger and better boost than wardens. Period. In addition, this heal proc thingy is not the only thing that friars and wardens are getting this patch. And friars and wardens did not get the same things, because they aren't the same classes and they had different needs. We listened to feedback, we talked to the volunteers, and we play tested the changes as a whole on our private, internal server. Less for the friar, or more for the warden, would not have worked in the context of all the changes that we made.
Now we need you to try them on Pendragon before providing your feedback. The numbers may well be adjusted in response to feedback, but it must be informed feedback. Thanks in advance for your help.
I got this response right from the design team. Any failure to communicate is mine.