GB Feature: Titan Quest Subsite & Interview
Category: News ArchiveHits: 920
GB: Tell us a bit about how inventory management will work in Titan Quest, such as the multiplayer trading system, buying and selling from a vendor, and how encumbrance will factor into the game. Also, will there be any sort of "stash" for players to horde their favorite equipment?
Michael: Well, first off, there is no encumbrance. It's a great stat for simulation purposes, but we were really focused on making a great, action-packed game and not a simulation. Inventory management will look very familiar to anyone who has played RPG's before. There's a limited amount of space that defines how much your character can carry, and items of varying sizes take up different amounts of that space. Rather than going for a static "stash" that you would have to go back to town to access, we've put in additional "bags" of storage space that are tabbed on the character inventory. So, you can keep all of your potions on one tab, for example, or all of your Relics, and if you're carrying around some set items you've collected and you want to check the requirements, you can just tab over and look at them right away. You earn additional "bags" as you progress through the game, so as you find more stuff you just can't bear to part with, you will have plenty of space to store it in. We have a secure trading screen for multiplayer, so you don't have to dump your stuff on the ground, and buying and selling at the merchants is as simple as left-clicking to buy and right-clicking to sell. One small feature that we slipped in is that you can sell back items you buy (or vice-versa) without the price changing, as long as you are in the merchant interface, so no more losing that great item you didn't mean to sell or losing money over items you didn't mean to buy. Our focus has been on making everything as intuitive and easy to use as possible, so there are just tons of these little polish features in the game.