Dark Messiah of Might and Magic E3 Previews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 882
At any rate, it's possible to perform some exceptionally gory and satisfying moves--kick a goblin to the ground and plunge your sword into its chest; impale an orc and shove it off of your sword; stab a massive Cyclops straight through the eye and wipe the blood from your blade as the horrible thing stumbles around, gushing gore. Or you could try disarming your foe...literally or figuratively. Better yet, score enough solid hits, and you'll gain an adrenaline rush, letting you decapitate a foe, ending the fight in one shocking maneuver. Admittedly, the combat still looks like it needs polish, but most of it is looking great, and the momentum-based character movement gives Dark Messiah a more fluid, realistic feel than most other first-person games. All the great attack animations certainly help.
And the second is at GameSpy:
The third aspect of this three-pronged approach of mayhem is stealth. It involves the use shadows, as you'd imagine, in order to approach enemies unaware and dispatch them with as few strokes as possible. In the demo, this was illustrated at the expense of an unfortunate goblin. Sareth crept up to his location from the shadows alongside a wall and disemboweled him with his dagger before the goblin ever knew what was up. It was all fun and games, however; when trying to do the same thing to a group inside of the citadel proper, our hero was found out and had to resort to a more direct approach. There will be some onscreen feedback that alerts you as to your level of visibility at any given time, however, so if you're the ponderous type, you'll have plenty of opportunities to ply your devious trade.