Guild Wars Factions Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 893
I was apprehensive about purchasing Guild Wars: Factions after getting rid of my Prophecies account out of fear of being far too weak to compete with those who had both games, and I wasn't too sure on the how good a game Factions would be as a stand alone title, but I put my faith in ArenaNet and took the dive since I loved the original so much. They did not fail. The exceeded my expectations and provided me with a game that I probably won't stop playing four hours a day for a while, and in December I get to start it all over again with part 3. It seems as though we'll be getting a new standalone/expansion every six or so months now, and I'll consequently have a required purchased every six months. I had been craving something worthwhile to play for a while, and I now have it. So what happens when an MMORPG this good has no fees? Simple... you lose your social life.
And the second is at GameZone with an overall score of 9.0/10:
There is a lot that is carried over from the original title, but Factions, in its own right, is a terrific stand-alone game that adds so much more to the Guild Wars experience. Allowing players to move Prophecy characters to Factions landscapes and quest streams is a definite plus.