World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Reviews
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The new sounds, many of the new graphics and all of the new content are as good as anyone could ask for. If you play WoW and are still on the fence about buying this expansion, then consider this your call to action: Get it. Now. You won't be disappointed. And face it: until you do, everyone who has it will just be rubbing it in your face anyway. It's that good.
The second is at GamingExcellence with an overall score of 9.4/10:
The overall quality of The Burning Crusade is simply astounding. The level of polish is high, which is to be expected from Blizzard. This does come with a price however, as patches for balance and new content are quite large. Thankfully, these are few and far between, and mostly the patches are small fixes to game issues. With many hours of gameplay just to make it to level 70, and much more thereafter, this expansion to the excellent MMO is more than worth its price. Of course, players are not required by any means to purchase The Burning Crusade if they simply want to enjoy the content of the original game, most of the group progression will be found in the new content found on the Outlands continent. Then again, the majority of the seven million players worldwide will not even question picking this one up.
The third is at CVG with an overall score of 8.7/10:
Still, though Blizzard may not be at their most inventive here, they're absolutely at the top of their game. They know exactly what they're doing - nothing else is this slick, this viscerally impressive, this overwhelmingly addictive. And when TBC really flexes its massive muscles, nothing else is this much fun either - never mind that it could be classed the guiltiest of gaming pleasures.
And the fourth is at Warcry with no overall score:
Is it a perfect game? Of course not, and if a person vehemently disliked the first WoW, 'Burning Crusade' isn't likely to bring them into the fold. Still, it improves on the original in almost every way, and it will certainly be interesting to see if Blizzard can top this for whatever they've got planned for Expansion #2.