Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Q&A, Part One
Category: News ArchiveHits: 844
"The Hickman": We try to do things in the game, that in most MMOs you have to go outside of the game for. Not to the depths like some guides go to with every little detail, but we go partially there. For example, you can choose to see on your map the area the quest is in. So you don't have to go "where is Augrad the giant at?" You can pull up your map, and it will have a circle on your map, that you can highlight, and it will have the text for your quest in that map in that circle. There is a fine line, err well not so fine, between pinpointing Augrad with a dot on that map and having nothing on the map. So what we do is, in the starting areas we have a smaller circles saying "go over there" , as you progress thru the game, the circles get larger and larger, so at high levels it will say, "Go to that half of the zone to find Augrad". Those are the things we find people want. It's like, if I can't find out what to do, so I go out to find a guide to help me. And so, I'm a power gamer, but what I find with Warhammer is, I just don't rely on that, so I don't feel the need to seek out a guide. And yes, it is easier in our game, absolutely it is, but you know what, you know what it's about, it's about fun, it's about having a good time.
Paul: Fun you F***ers!
They've also posted a selection of pictures from the event, as well.