EverQuest Online Adventures Improvements Announced
Category: News ArchiveHits: 920
The Adventure Continues With Introduction of The Storyteller, Improvements to Zaoran Plateau and Plane of Disease and the Launch of the EQOA Hall of Fame
WHAT: Share Your Story and Reap Rewards!
Do you have an awesome adventuring story to tell? If so, it might be worthwhile to pay a visit to the EQOA Storyteller, an old adventurer who recounts the trials and tribulations of his youth. No longer able to crawl the dungeons of Norrath himself, the Storyteller is rumored to be using his hoard of treasures to lure explorers from far away lands to share their own stories in exchange for his riches. Players level 20 and up can complete this new quest content, earn rewards and share their own tales of battle and expedition. In return for their chronicles, the Storyteller offers faction points which can be saved to spend on treasure.
Improvements Galore!
'¢ Zaoran Plateau now receives tank armor class stats, durability upgrades and the armor insignia quest, rebalancing of all raids and more tradable armor drops for raids on the first island.
'¢ Plane of Disease (PoD) enhancements include a faster re-spawn of common named NPCs and a rare chance at the new PoD ability quest pieces.
'¢ Plane of Sky now offers longer spawns for the entry quest, dropping four items instead of one.
'¢ Balance changes include the Zaoran Plateau tank abilities, caster and sorcerer class mastery abilities, master class changes for mystics, mercenaries, transmuters, bravos, arcane werehunters, and exorcists.
Put Your Achievements on Display!
Do you have what it takes to start your own EQOA legacy? If you think so, then head over to The Torture Chamber on the official forums to respond to the official Hall of Fame Add Me thread. The EQOA Hall of Fame features adventurers who won Contests, Forum Challenges, and other types of special adventuring activities for EverQuest Online Adventures.
WHEN: July 10, 2007
WHERE: EverQuestOnlineAdventures.station.sony.com
WHO: About EverQuest Online Adventures
EverQuest Online Adventures is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG), which allows PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system owners to experience an open-ended, persistent virtual world, filled with thousands of other players. It is the first of its kind available on the PlayStation 2 system in North America and utilizes the Network Adaptor to connect seamlessly to the Internet. The game carries a monthly subscription fee per person for continuing access and updates to the game world. Players can subscribe either by using a credit card, or by purchasing SOE Game Cards from various retail outlets. For more information, please visit www.everquestonlineadventures.com.
About Sony Online Entertainment
Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE), a recognized worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online games, with hundreds of thousands of subscribers around the globe. SOE creates, develops and provides compelling entertainment for the personal computer, online, game console and wireless markets. Known for its blockbuster franchises and hit titles including EverQuest®, EverQuest® II, Champions of Norrath®, Untold Legends™, and PlanetSide®, as well as for developing Star Wars Galaxies™, SOE continues to redefine the business of online gaming and the creation of active player communities while introducing new genres on various entertainment platforms. Headquartered in San Diego, CA, with additional development studios in Austin, TX, Seattle, WA, Denver, CO, and Taiwan, SOE has an array of cutting-edge games in development. SOE is owned by Sony Pictures Digital and Sony Computer Entertainment America.