World of Warcraft: The Dungeon of Zul'Aman Previews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 892
Blizzard designed Zul'Aman to be more of a quick dungeon, something that can be beaten in one night. This contrasts with something like Kharazan, which requires a massive time investment. The quest thread to Zul'Aman starts in Shattrath, and thereafter it's a simple matter of heading over the Hatchet Hills in the Ghostlands and starting the quest. Loot in Zul'Aman will apparently be a step above what drops in Kharazan. Though there'll be less overall items to collect, the ones that do fall from bosses will be more powerful.
The second is at 1Up:
Blizzard says the dungeon is heavily scripted, even down to the "trash" mobs (certain groups of mobs contain a "scout" unit that runs away from the raid when pulled, trying to reach a drum to summon more units to the fight; the bear boss turns into a full-fledged giant Ursus Azerothus after a set amount of time; at one point in your fight with the dragonhawk boss, he pulls the raid toward him and lays a dozen or so fiery eggs on the platform that will likely kill you if you stand too close when they explode). If you clear all four animal-hybrid bosses, you're allowed access to the final two bosses, including Zul'jin, who's been keeping the animal spirits trapped for his own purposes -- and who transforms to each of the four animals through the course of the fight.
And the third is at Blizzplanet:
[They're] tuning the first boss in Zul'Aman to require less raid coordination than some other raid bosses. He will still hit very hard so you'll need to be geared properly but it won't take 15 minutes to explain the fight. It will be a simple yet challenging fight. The other boss fights get more complex and challenging from there. If players want a basis of comparison, imagine the tuning of Zul'Aman started around Nightbane/Prince difficulty and ramped up from there.