Two Worlds Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 824
Don't let the average score fool you into thinking this is a simple matter of mediocrity. This will be a polarizing game. There are people out there especially the hardcore computer-RPG nuts that have been rocking Elder Scrolls since Arena who are going to love it. These are people numb to a world of bugs and glitches who can enjoy deep role-playing at the expense of spit and polish. Other people are going to hate it. The game has some very real issues that you might not be willing to overlook. If anything, the modest length of the quest makes it a perfect rental for those on the fence, and the online mode might give it the staying power it needs for the cult of fans that will embrace it.
And the other is at Game Vortex, where the game received a 65%:
Two Worlds faces a number of issues, though few of them are anything you can't work past. The longer you play, the more manageable the game gets. Hardened RPG fans might be able to handle the game's slow, broken start through sheer enjoyment of the genre, though others will do better to avoid the game if you can.