The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Version Comparison
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1016
At the time of its original release in 2006, Oblivion's steep hardware requirements turned a lot of heads. The gaming press and public alike were wowed by the Xbox 360 version's performance and image quality, and disappointed in its performance on midrange gaming PCs. This mostly stemmed from two sources: a lack of graphics card driver optimization on the PC, and superb optimization of the Xbox 360 version. Additionally, the Xbox 360 version was able to render the game in high dynamic range lighting, and apply anti-aliasing on top of that, while PC graphics cards at the time had to choose between the two (at least officially, due to Oblivion's HDR implementation).
PC gamers had the option to use much more detailed textures and models, as well as higher-quality shadows than available on the Xbox 360, but relatively few had the top-of-the-line graphics cards necessary to run the game at good frame rates with those settings. The value proposition seemed to be firmly in Xbox 360's corner. Now, 18 months later, that value proposition has changed, and there is another platform to consider.
The article does contain some inaccuracies, however. Oblivion obviously isn't the "third part to The Elder Scrolls series" and the claim that the interface is "suitable for both platforms" (meaning the 360 and PC) is a stretch. Does anyone play the PC version without one of the popular interface mods installed?