EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark Preview
Category: News ArchiveHits: 785
What many people are interested in is the higher end content and what the expansion will offer level capped players. Fortunately, SOE seems anxious to show it off, because moments later we were ushered to Kylong Plains, a level 65-70 zone, which will serve as the entry point into Kunark. We've heard from various interviews that zoning would be removed for this expansion, so how does it affect gameplay? Drastically doesn't even cover it. Kylong Plains is large enough to be Nektulos Forest and Commonlands rolled into one with many differing environments. While it may begin with the reminiscent hills of the Dreadlands complete with Drachnids and Karnor's Castle (more on this in a sec), moments later you could be climbing the winding path of a snowy mountain peak.