Mass Effect Interviews

Australian blog The Age has published a series of Mass Effect interviews with BioWare community coordinator Chris Priestly. Here's a quick rundown:

- Mass Appeal is an introduction.
- Cause and Effect is about BioWare.
- Massive damage is about combat.
- Massive value is about replay value.
- Mass debate is about the EA acquisition.

And a snippet from that last one:
Q: So what's the feeling in the studio regarding the Electronic Arts acquisition?

A: It came as quite a surprise for us. It was a huge surprise for me. I left for Australia last Tuesday landed on Thursday, visited Brisbane for a few days. Friday morning I get a phone call saying "You may get some questions about EA..." "OK, why?" "They just bought us." "Oh really? OK, that's kind of a shock!" It's a big surprise. We had sort of the same thing happen when we merged with Pandemic under VGH and Elevation Partners. It's definitely a change but exactly where we're going to go from here, we don't know yet. I know probably less than everyone else at BioWare at the moment because its so restrictive that we can't even send details over email so I have to wait to get back to Edmonton to learn more about the deal, but we'll see what happens. I knew this sort of thing would happen eventually but I don't think anybody at BioWare was really expecting it for a few years yet. But there's lots of possibilities now so we'll see where we go.
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