Camelot Grab Bag Q&A
Category: News ArchiveHits: 922
Q: My Valkyrie has some weapon issues that I think may have been a small oversight. This is regarding her Champ sword, and her Dragon Quest Sword (two major weapons for any class in the game). The issue is weapon speed inconsistency. The one hand version of each gets a speed of 4.3, which is very nice and slow giving really hard hits. Adversely, the 2 handed version of each only gets a 5.0 speed. The dragon bane sword before the dragon quests are completed has a speed of 5.7 which seems to fall in place, and lead to my disappointment upon finishing the quest and getting my 'prize' that hit less than the inferior sword. Am I missing something, or is this the way it was designed?
A: The Dragon Slayer weapons are modeled after the Champion Weapons. Comparing these two items to the Dragonbane item is not a valid comparison as they have differing stats, abilities, and designs. The speed of the Champion Weapon, and therefore the Dragon Slayer weapon, were designed around what the item offered. You are welcome to send in feedback or voice your concerns with the Class Team Lead (TL) and we'll consider it for the next time we design unique weapons. In reference to your question though, the speed values are by design.