World of Warcraft Patch v2.3.0 Released
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Zul'Aman: The stronghold of Zul'Aman has stood for millennia as the Amani trolls' seat of power and bastion of the fearless and cunning warlord Zul'jin.
Zul'jin has spent several years plotting behind Zul'Aman's walls. Furious at the Horde for allowing his hated enemies, the blood elves, to join its ranks, he eagerly embraced a scheme that the witch doctor Malacrass recently proposed: to seal the power of the animal gods within the bodies of the Amani's strongest warriors.
Now Zul'Aman's army grows more powerful by the day, hungry to exact vengeance in the name of its fearless leader, Zul'jin. Players will encounter this 10-person outdoor raid dungeon in the Ghostlands region of the Eastern Kingdoms.
Guild Banks: The guild bank is a shared repository for an entire guild and will be accessible through guild vault objects near existing banks. The Guild Bank will allow players with the appropriate permissions to store items and money for use by the rest of the guild. Permissions to withdraw and deposit money and items are controlled by the guild leader through the guild controls menu. The Guild Bank is divided into separate tabs so that the guild leader may restrict access or group items into distinct categories.
Dustwallow Marsh Revamp: Dustwallow Marsh has seen many improvements with the addition of more than 50 quests and a new neutral goblin town called Mudsprocket located in the southern part of the zone. There is also a small quest hub featuring a crashed goblin zeppelin, to the east of Tabetha's hut.
Leveling Improvements: The amount of experience needed to gain a level has been decreased between levels 20 and 60. In addition, the amount of experience granted by quests has been increased between levels 30 and 60.
And much more, including:
- New daily quests are available for battlegrounds, normal dungeons, and Heroic dungeons.
- New Vindicator (PvP) rewards are available through the Honor system.
- New Badge of Justice (PvE) rewards are available from bosses in Heroic mode dungeons.
- New player-crafted flying machines and a Cenarion-reputation flying mount are now available.