NCsoft Shifting Away from Games?

Next Generation is reporting that NCsoft's online games business appears to be showing signs of decline due to the company's growing investment in other Internet services.
As NCsoft's online games business shows signs of decline, CEO Kim Taek-jin is increasingly favoring investment in the non-games online services sector, according to The Korea Times. Having already invested in a number of social-networking services this year from in-house software studio Openmaru, the company reportedly aims to take the fight to leading portal operators such as Naver, Daum and SK Communications.

(After games, the Internet has become my new dream,) Taek-jin said last week. (The Openmaru studio is the first step to create a more open Internet environment by providing easy-to-use technologies.)

Personally, I think the company just needs to be more careful about the games they decide to pursue. If they had passed over titles like Auto Assault and Dungeon Runners, they'd probably be in a stronger position within the online games sector.