Neverwinter Nights v1.69 Beta 3 Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1203
- Added scripting support for horses.
- Fixed issue with mus_wc_ruralguitar.bmu exceeding the 16 character filename limit and not playing.
- Fixed issue with Item Weights being wrong for extremely heavy items (such as the Tower Shield).
- Added new FOOTSTEP_TYPE_HORSE constant to nwscript.nss
- Colorized some cloaks that were missed in the official campaigns.
- Fixed issue with broken unknown item property (unknown/cursed).
- Added missing ITEM_PROPERTY_MATERIAL/QUALITY/UNKNOWN constants to nwscript.nss
- Added Portable Encampment item from Infinite Dungeons.
- Added missing PLAYER_TOOL_# feats to cls_feat_*.2da files (the feats should show up on the radial menu now when granted).
- Updated SurfaceMat.2da with TNO falling rock material for cliff bridges and added missing vfx for falling rocks.
- Fixed broken "Minotaur, Zor" sound set (soundset.2da).
- Fixed issue with clubs not playing the hit sound against creatures wearing medium armor (weaponsounds.2da).
- Fixed icon for "Ethereal Visage" scrolls (iprp_spells.2da).
- Many tileset fixes.
- Added new renderaabb and rendertilepathnodes DebugMode console commands to aid with building tilesets.
- Screenshots are now prefixed with the module name (set in the Module properties in the toolset) rather than "NWN". Screenshots are also now placed in the screenshots subdirectory.
- Fixed incorrect alignment on Duergar Clerics.
- Fixed incorrect sound sets on Duergar Priestess.
- Added new nwnplayer.ini file setting to obtain script profiling data in the log file (defaults to off). Enabling this will degrade game performance. It should only be used to determine which scripts you need to optimize to improve the performance of your module.
[Script Options]
Enable Profiling=1
- Added new nwnplayer.ini file setting to log each script as it executes (defaults to off). Enabling this will degrade game performance. It should only be used for script debugging purposes (i.e. when you have a bad script that causes your module to lock up, checking the log file will let you know the last script that executed).
[Script Options]
Enable Logging=1
- Added missing "Rubble, Large" placeable from Infinite Dungeons to the toolset palette.
- Changed the name of the Infinite Dungeons music to not be labeled as battle music (as it appears in the day/night menus not the battle menu).
- Changed "Black Blade of Disaster" feats from "Longsword" to "Greatsword" (as that's what it is).
- Fixed the alignment on some of the Slaadi in the toolset palette.
- Evards Black Tentacles now applies the damage per tentacle, rather than all tentacle damage being applied at one (nw_s0_evardsa.nss and nw_s0_evardsc.ncs).