Age of Conan Press Event Report, Part One
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The Age of Conan team as a whole is divided into what the developers call "Strike Teams", groups that work together on some part of the game. By way of example, there is a team specifically dedicated to the 1-40 aspect of the game.
We were shortly joined in the conference room by the Age of Conan Director, Gaute Godager and Jørgen Tharaldsen, the game`s Project Manager who introduced us to the game`s new official website. The new site, which you can see for yourself at, we were told, "embodies what we try to do in how we present the game" and is built around three words that capture the tone for AoC: Live, Fight and Explore.
After checking out the new website and their most recently released video, Godager gave us a little bit of history on the game`s development:
Four and a half years ago, we were told, there was a discussion about what project should be tackled next. There were a number of candidates, but that Conan turned out to be the IP of choice. The Conan comic book series has always been popular in Norway, and the lore has a strong following. Combine that with the Norway`s viking history, and the dark and bloody world created by Robert E. Howard seems like a logical choice.
Speaking of dark and bloody, we were also informed that AoC had officially been given an `M`rating by the ESRB and an 18+ rating from PEGI (the European equivalent). Not that the announcement comes as any great surprise to the game`s fans, who have been told since day one that these were Funcom`s objectives, but the rating is always one of those things that its nice to have official word on, especially with the game now only a little more than two months from launch.
They've also kicked up nine images from the upcoming Age of Conan art book.
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