Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Preview

WarCry has put together a two-part preview of Wizards of the Coast's upcoming 4th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons. The first part focuses on dragons, while the second part focuses on class changes. Some rogue changes:
Rogues excel at hitting unprepared enemies to cause the most harm. One of the ways a rogue gets high damage is an old favorite: sneak attack. In fact, sneak attack is now easier to pull off and works with a new, simple system that defines when creatures are particularly vulnerable to attack. Not only will the fighter be giving the rogue a flanking bonus, but more spells and attack powers will set up sneak attacks.

Another source of extra damage comes from a rogue's follow up attacks, which can be tacked on to successful attacks. These allow a rogue to turn a normal attack into a truly vicious one, dealing huge amounts of damage and dishing out major penalties to the target.

At the highest end of the rogue's power list comes difficult maneuvers that incorporate multiple attacks and tactical movement. These flashy assaults make short work of powerful monsters and more importantly-impress the rest of the party.