The Broken Hourglass Site Update
Category: News ArchiveHits: 930
Gemma picks the lock to Kamberus' hideout (her enhanced Agility, by the way, makes this easier) and the ladies barge in. Kamberus anticipated this, of course, and sends his fire elemental in to try to intercept Gemma. Meanwhile, Ceyda starts unleashing bolts of pure air magic at Kamberus, who returns the favor firing firebolts back at her.
Ceyda's air bolts do full damage to Kamberus, as he has no special resistance to air magic. On the other hand, Ceyda's protective spell dampens the effects of the firebolts on her slightly, so she only takes about 5/6ths of the expected damage each time one of Kamberus' bolts overcomes her magic resistance. Because Ceyda has 20 mana remaining to spend, each of her airbolts are imbued with that much power-instant-effect spells, such as direct damage, spend the maximum available mana and do not "tie up" the magical energy. Kamberus, having 50 mana remaining as well as a high skill in Fire Magic, is on average casting more powerful, damaging bolts than Ceyda is.
Meanwhile, Gemma and the elemental slug it out. Gemma is wishing for some of that fire resistance right about now as the elemental does a combination of physical and fire-based damage, but her enhanced agility is at least giving her a fighting chance.
At the end of the opening strains of our combat, the mana consumption picture is unchanged.
Total Mana: 65
-15 Mana (Fire Damage Resistance on Ceyda)
-10 Mana (wearing magic goggles)
-20 Mana (Agility bonus on Gemma)
Remaining Mana: 65 - 15 - 10 - 20 = 20
Total Mana: 75
-25 Mana (Summon Fire Elemental)
Remaining Mana: 75 - 25 = 50