Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements Review
Category: News ArchiveHits: 747
Adding the problem of the shallow combat is are control issues. The controls are mapped to feeling instinctive with the right and left triggers handling attacking and defending while the face buttons handle your inventory and other commands, and the D-Pad controls a quick access to items which is a blessing. That's the good, now here is the bad... Dark Messiah feels sluggish and controls the same in and out of combat. Moving around Sareth feels like his feet are stuck in mud which only gets worse when he gets into fights and has to worry about horrible animation getting in the way. Dark Messiah feels horribly like four or five year old game which doesn't hold up well to the standards that we are getting used to in the next-generation of gaming. Since a majority of Dark Messiah is focused on combat this doesn't helps the games cause. Even with a game that suffered from questionable combat mechanics like Two Worlds didn't put all its eggs in one basket. Within Dark Messiah that's all you really have, and when that fails, everything does.