Mythos Interviews

Two new interviews for Flagship's upcoming free-to-play MMO Mythos have surfaced. PCGH focuses on the technical aspects.
Even in the Online RPGs Genre visuals become more and more important. How have you dealt with the topic visual presentation while developing Mythos? Did you sacrifice very modern graphics to playability on Low End Machines? Was it the main goal during development to keep the hardware requirements of Mythos very low?

It was one of the goals to keep hardware requirements low - but we also selected a simpler visual style so that we would have the ability to display a LOT of enemies onscreen at the same time. We want the player to be fighting hordes of monsters, not just 2 or 3. We still have a lot of work that we would like to do to further lower our system requirements, and it is currently a big focus for us.
CVG just chats in general.
We get the impression your trying to bridge a gap between the hardcore and casual markets with Mythos. How exactly are you tackling that?

Max Schaefer: That's correct. We see the casual market as an emerging business model, but there's no reason it can't have games with high production values and a good amount of depth. The demographic is a bit more 'casual' in that they don't want stat-heavy or burdensome games, but they still want quality entertainment.
Spotted on Blue's News.
Related Games: Mythos Global