GDC 2008 Insights, Parts Two and Three
Category: News ArchiveHits: 803
GDC this year saw a small contingent of hardcore NetDevil people descending upon San Francisco like a horde of geek hungry mobs. It turns out that being a part of this team was the greatest conference experience of my life.
In previous years, I have attended GDC as press. This year it was different; I joined the NetDevil development team for Jumpgate Evolution and suddenly, I was in San Francisco as a developer. It is almost surreal sitting on the other side of the table, answering the hard questions rather than asking them.
Suddenly, I was responsible for getting an accurate, substantial message out to the public rather than an editorial filled with my own bias. Oh how the world changes when you are hawking a game rather than reporting on it. With that said, this year gave me the opportunity to work with people who were previously competitors, and I was able to see them in "action". It was an experience that I would not give up for the world.
It was really an amazing experience this year with the team building that happened, the great talk that both Hermann Peterscheck and Scott Brown gave, and the ability to share the hard work that my team has created with the world. I also appreciated not having to run from building to building trying to get to my appointments on time. That alone is was priceless!