The Shadowbane Reboot Draws Near
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The Shadowbane Reboot is coming!
The Shadowbane Reboot is officially set to go live on March 25, 2008! Some may recognize that this date holds significant value. For those who do not know, Shadowbane was released 5 years ago on March 25, 2003. 5 Years is a special milestone and with it comes the Shadowbane Reboot where the previous servers will be retired and new servers will be born in their place. The re-launch of Shadowbane brings changes that were impossible before and breathes new life into the game and the community! This new life will take place in the world of Vorringia where the tapestries of Baronies and Fiefdoms have been wiped clean. The time has come for the next generation of warlords to rally an army, carve out an empire, and change the world!
The Ubisoft Montreal team will be performing routine network and server maintenance to coincide with the Shadowbane Reboot. The expected downtime will be from March 20, 2008 until March 25, 2008.
The following changes have been added to Shadowbane in conjunction with the new servers Malog and Saedron being released.
- Modified Mage Assassin Fade to cap at PR-20; but casting times have been drastically reduced to be in line with Rogue-based Hide at PR-40.
- Changed the Barbarian Power "Unstoppable Force" to grant at PR-0.
- Druids now have their own class specific armor set.
- Priests now have their own class specific armor set.
- Modified the Scout power Camouflage from a Single-Target Power into a Group Power.
- Changed the Warrior Power "Indomitable Will" to grant at PR-0.
- Warriors now have their own class specific armor set.
- Wizards now have their own class specific armor set.
- Gave Mage-based classes the following power:
Lesser Mage Bolt - "Single Target Magic Damage"
requires Sorcery Skill ( 90 )
requires Mage Bolt Power ( 40 )- Granted: Level 40
- Power Rank: 0
- Teachers: Mage Trainer (1), Master Assassin (1), Master Warlock (1), Master Wizard (1), Master Bard (1), Master Channeler (1), Master Fury (1), Master Doomsayer (1), Master Necromancer (1)
- Focus Skill: Sorcery
- Flagged As: Spell (Cancels effects which are cancelled by Spellcasting).
- Mana Cost: 25 (at power rank 1)
- Casting Time: 0.0 seconds
- Recycle Time: 3.0 seconds
- Generates Hate: Moderate
- Power User Requirements: Player may use this power while moving.
- Mode Required: Either Combat or Non-Combat Mode
- Requires Hit Roll: Yes
- Target and Range: Monsters or Players (120 Units)
- Can affect caster and group members.
- Direct Damage
o Health Damage: 6- 8 points (from power rank 1) points of Health
o Flagged as 'Magic' damage
o Dispel Tags: DeBuff, Effect
- The Aelfborn Racial Power 'Wildkin's Chase' has had its duration reduced to 60 seconds from 180 seconds.
- Decreased the Creation Cost on Centaurs by 5 Creation Points.
- Returned the 'of the Windlord's' suffix to all Centaur Boots.
- Centaurs natural speed has been reduced by about 5%
- Decreased the Creation Cost on Minotaurs by 5 Creation Points.
- Modified the Recycle Timer on Skirmish Counterspell to 20 seconds.
- Blade Masters now have their own discipline specific armor set.
- Blade Weavers now have their own discipline specific armor set.
- Adjusted the Bounty Hunter Power Detect Hidden to cost 25 Stamina per use and applied a 60 second recast timer.
- Dark Knights now have their own discipline specific armor set.
- Adjusted Recast and Duration timers on Hone Weapon and Harden Armor to 15 minutes.
- Knights now have their own discipline specific armor set.
- Reduced the range on the Prospector Discipline power Claim Mine to 5 units.
- Removed an extra 20 health point grant that wasn't intended for the rune.
- Building of War Placement - Instead of being a circumference around a TOL, BOWs can be placed in a perimeter (square) around it just like a Bane Stone.
- Rank 8 Maintenance Fees - Will now be properly withdrawn.
- Player AoE on Siege Engines - Were removed from the game.
- Flattening the City Zone - Instead of just flattening the city (buildable) grid, the entire city zone will now be flattened.
- Removed Wall Archers from the game
- Decrease the amount of Guard Minions a Guard Captain can have
- Adjusted City Limitations in some Territories.
- Adjusted the Buildings of War minimum distance to disallow placement on the City Grid before the War Phase of a Siege.
- Players are no longer able to place buildings on a city grid they are not a member of.
- Extended Spire Range to encompass the entire Guild Zone.
- Redistribute and Rebalance Armor - Armor sets were rebalanced and many of the under 100% armor pieces were upgraded to be 100%.
- Decrease the DMG Percentage on some Bow and XBow Powers
- The Weapon and Armor Fencers were put into Sea Dog's Rest as well as left in the new Freehold city, Khan'Ov Srekel
- Reduced the effects on the Castable Snares to -30% movement speed at PR-40.
- Reduced the effects on Weapon Power Snares to -25% movement speed at PR-40.
- Projectile Craftsman Vendors deal in all Ranged Weapons.
- All Armorsmiths were updated with all of the current armor changes.
- Modified Caster-based Stealth to cap at PR-20; but casting times have been drastically reduced to be in line with Rogue-based stealth at PR-40; and movement speed caps at -5% at PR-20.
- Khan'Ov Skrekel, a new Freehold, now exists on all worlds.
- Added a Magic Mine to the Pandemonium Macrozone.
- Removed the random spawned mobs on Maelstrom and.
- Moved the Runegate on Maelstrom to the middle of the island for easier access to all of the Macrozones.
- Removed all of the Ruins from the game and pointed errant deaths and friendly city deaths to Sea Dog's Rest.
- Re-evaluated some of the Fencer Armor in Sea Dog's Rest.
- Re-evaluated the Elite Armor Enchantments.
- Adjusted the Sea Dog's Throwing Weapons to be in line with the Projectile Craftsman's Enchantments.
- Changed the Hotzone timer to change every 3 hours, instead of 4.
- Adjusted the Huntress Trainer in Phaedra's Prize so that she can no longer train skills up to 100%.
- Adjusted NPC display limitations from 100 items to 150.
- Various dupes and exploits were fixed.
- Fixed a server crash involving two realms being claimed simultaneously.
- Increased melee weapon range slightly.
Everyone here on the Shadowbane Team is extremely excited to see the Shadowbane Reboot become a reality. We have been able to make the fundamental changes that have been needed for quite some time and are looking forward to continuing work on the balance of Shadowbane!
In conclusion we would like to thank you, the players, for your continued love and support of Shadowbane without you none of this would be possible. Special thanks also go out to every player that helped us test the upcoming changes on the Test Server without you the Reboot process wouldn't have gone near as smoothly. Finally, acknowledgement is due to Ubisoft for keeping this game active and making the Reboot possible; Ubisoft Montreal and Red Storm for putting in the long hours behind the scenes to host Shadowbane; and the Shadowbane Team that has worked day and night to make this Reboot a success.
A prophecy, shouted by a hermit on the steps of the grand Cathedral of Saint Kellast in the holy city of Dalgoth, seat of the Holy Patriarch of the Church of the All Father. The pronouncement was made on the 71st day of the 3rd year of the Age of Thrones (the 102nd year of the Age of Strife by the old reckoning):
Augurs and portents in every nation cry out grim prophecies, and all lands are filled with rumors of war. Soon, the prophets cry, the day shall come when Warlords old and new unsheathe their swords, and drown Vorringia in a crimson flood. The Age of Thrones draws toward its end the Age of Doom is coming! Legions shall muster, strongholds shall rise, and stone walls will shatter. Grim kings shall unwind the bloody flag of war, and unleash fire and earthquake on their foes.
The weak shall be conquered! The strong will Crush!