Vampire: Bloodlines v5.1 Unofficial Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1438
'¢ Removed Intimidation powerup of grenade prop and added it to basic.
'¢ Restored Protean 4/5 damage and some enemy discipline resistances.
'¢ +Made Tseng sell Shin Guntos and normal crossbows instead of Slater.
'¢ Restored unused name plate, throwing star and library card models.
'¢ Fixed new item models and female Tremere glasses, thanks to MooCHa.
'¢ +Made only Mercurio sell SWAT rifle rounds and Pyro Crossbow bolts.
'¢ Restored five vendor and three context icons and Giovanni's cabbie.
'¢ +Made Yukie invincible at Temple and streamlined Gary's phone call.
'¢ Restored hotel guard and warehouse Markus models, thanks to gardeb.
'¢ Added fade and sound when loving Romero and sound to pimpin quest.
'¢ Restored second Sabbat into warehouse and fixed MP infos and clans.
'¢ Improved Santa Monica rain speed and visuals, thanks to ZylonBane.
'¢ Armed sewer hunters with GLOCKs and sword hunters with Shin Guntos.
'¢ Restored a Gargoyle gesture and removed some of Regent and Prince.
'¢ Added special Jeanette email and repaired super-sensible Fu guards.
'¢ Removed Romero returning from basic but added him to pimpin quest.
'¢ Placed female bums into SM and adjusted cash inventory description.
'¢ Made cameras stackable and renamed SWAT rifle "Remington M24 SWS".
'¢ Added Firemage animations and fixed subtitles for dominated victim.
'¢ Fixed many enemies not damaging each other even when Blood Boiled.
'¢ Delayed Boris' Dementation reaction and made Dima leave when sent.
'¢ Turned all armor and Ocean House pendant not stashable or loosable.
'¢ Locked buggy Temple door for good and fixed more props and sounds.
'¢ Repaired Tseng shelves problem and added a missing Shu quest state.
'¢ Corrected Vandal, Isaac, Misti, Victor and Luca dialogue problems.
'¢ Added sound for Giovanni sliding doors and two missing email lines.
'¢ Fixed Lu, Heather, Gargoyle, Regent, Trip and Ash dialogue issues.
'¢ Renamed Cathayan "Fernando Cougat" and fixed Heather's morgue date.
'¢ Corrected bad Jeanette quest update and made Cal getting re-hired.
'¢ Fixed several left over basic/plus stat details, thanks to Offkorn.
'¢ Added warehouse start astrolite check and fixed minor text issues.
'¢ Removed unfitting sounds at Lotus Blossom and some dialogue pauses.
'¢ Fixed asking Malcolm about saved Heather and Knox's quest looping.
'¢ Re-fixed Thaumaturgy with non-humans and fixed Newscaster position.
'¢ Fixed double doors at Giovanni Mansion and removed Bruno's clones.
'¢ Added a Vandal line for females and fixed two Venture double doors.
'¢ Made Chang's threat stay in dialogue and fixed Lily's diary dates.
'¢ Moved female disease bum close to Last Round to make her lines fit.
Grab it from The Patches Scrolls.