Depths of Peril Beta Patch 1.010 Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 931
* fixed dyeing typo in March of Evil: Tribute
* fixed damage type not getting translated correctly
* fixed Stealthed not getting translated correctly
* event text system handles new lines better now
* fixed kill quest from a monster
* hopefully fixed a problem where a parent quest gets deleted when it has child quests
* now get 1/2 of first party members money, item, and magic chance as a bonus
* fixed vicious typo in Great Wars of Aleria
* fixed another 4 spots where damage types weren't localized correctly
* fixed left click to increase/decrease skill localization
* fixed \n not working in text messages when also localizing
* fixed rank textures having unneeded alpha channel
* made enemy covenant power highlight text a bit more clear
* fixed a few collision issues in Vicious Chambers
* entity purge system will no longer purge secret levels
* fixed town siege icon
* fixed barbarian typo in war quest
* made it so monster item names could be localized better
* added centerLeft text alignment
* added centerRight text alignment
* added vertical stat bar
* added reversed stat bar
* added buildTgas command
* set bonuses now update instantly when paused
* escorts should follow a little better up/down dungeon/caves
* added more code to prevent tiny caves/dungeons
* localized under level part of quest text
* fixed weather loading
* now save reward chests
* now can load database files that aren't specified in database.dbl
* now can add new database entries that override only specified key/value pairs of other database entries, allows multiple entries to modify the same entry like GameSystem at the same time, also since it only overrides specified key/values mods and patches will mix better