Unofficial Arcanum Patch v080604 Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1230
-Fixed several typos in Randver's dialogue.
-Fixed a mistake and several typos in Gunther Willhelm's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Hadrian's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in a journal entry for rumors.
-Fixed 11 broken lines in Kerghan's dialogue.
-Fixed two typos in Wheel Clan guard's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Gilbert Bates' dialogue.
-Fixed two broken lines in Percival Toone's dialogue. This fixes the problems with him not giving you the quest and not talking to you anymore.
-Fixed a description for the Staff of Hypocrisy.
-Fixed a description for the Life Stealer Dagger.
-Fixed repeatable lines in Ryan Sanders' dialogue.
-Fixed yet another typo in Gilbert Bates' dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in a dialogue for Virgil with Pollock.
-Fixed wrong conditions in the librarian's dialogue.
-Fixed two typos in Gurin Rockharrow's dialogue.
-Automatons now have soundbanks.
-Fixed problems with Albert giving you the gem. Fixed repeatable lines in his dialogue as well.
-Fixed the name of Electro Armor's schematic.
-Fixed repeatable lines in Randver's dialogue.
-Fixed 10 broken lines in Nasrudin's dialogue. No more repeatable dialogue or duplicated lines.
-Fixed a typo in Loghaire's dialogue.
-Replaced a completely wrong line (different from VO) in Loghaire's override dialogue.
-Simeon Tor's portals now can't be used by technologists.
-Fixed a typo in Loghaire's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Richard Leeks' dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Brigitte's dialogue.
-Fixed two mistakes in Gildor Nightwalk's dialogue.
-Fixed a mistake in a generic pub thug's dialogue.
-Fixed a mistake in Richard Leeks' dialogue.
-Fixed two broken lines in Raven's dialogue.
-Fixed several broken lines for low reaction characters in Caladon's telegraph operator's dialogue.
-Fixed a broken line in Lianna Pel Dar's dialogue.
-WorldEd: made the magic/tech aptitude slider bigger, so now it's possible to set a more precise value. Also, fixed a few typos.
-Fixed two typos in Surly Virgil's dialogue.
-Fixed two typos in K'an Hua's dialogue.
-Fixed typos in books "How Nasrudin defeated the nefarious Arronax" and "Horror among the Dark Elves".
-Added missing origins to four Dwarf Villagers in the Wheel Clan.
-Vegard Moltenflow now has expert training in Spotting Traps.
-A Gnome Villager in Roseborough's Gift Shop now has a correct gender.
-Fixed basic proto issues with a Halfling Villager in Roseborough: a correct soundbank now.
-Fixed 5 typos in Raven's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Trevor Lynwood's dialogue.
-Fixed two typos in Hadrian's dialogue.
-Fixed a broken line in generic herbalist's dialogue.
-Added missing soundbanks to some of orcs' prototypes (including the Orc Grunt used in Summoning college).
-Fixed the teleportation sfx when Nasrudin teleports from Thanatos to the Ring of Brodgar.
-Fixed the teleportation sfx when K'an Hua teleports to the Panarii temple after being betrayed.
-Fixed the townmap for the Sobbing Onion's basement.
-Added a female line to Richard Leeks' dialogue. Also, fixed a typo.
-Fixed a female line in Willoughsby's dialogue.
-Fixed 6 female lines in Heinrich Jenks' dialogues.
-Fixed two typos in Norian's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Kai'tan's blessing.
-The prison warden in Ashbury's prison now opens a corresponding door once you post bail for either of the prisoners.
-If you destroy either of the doors in Ashbury's prison, a corresponding prisoner now becomes aware that he's free.
-Once you free either of the prisoners, they now walk out of the prison and disappear.
-Fixed several wrong conditions in Guido Lightouch and Jerrold Aymes' dialogues.
-Dark Elf assassin in Ashbury doesn't have a generic dialogue anymore.
-Adkin Chambers is now actually blind (DX1, PE1) until you give him the potion. (A heartbeat script wasn't attached). Fixed some other problems with his scripts as well.
-Adkin Chambers now has master training in Dodge.
-Clockwork Decoy now uses its own soundbank.
-Surly Virgil no longer talks about Alexander as you enter the Panarii temple in Caladon.
-Fixed a typo in Raven's dialogue.
-Fixed four typos in Nasrudin's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Weldo Rubin's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in the book "The Great Work".
-Fixed a broken female line in the Master Mage of Morph's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in the Master Mage of Earth's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in the generic dialogue for Tulla students.
-Fixed two typos in Simeon Tor's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Magnus' dialogue.
-Fixed two typos in Erick Obsidian's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Zen Virgil's dialogue.
-Fixed three typos in Edward Teach's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in the name of the location "Stringy Pete's Cove".
-Fixed a typo in Franklin Payne's dialogue.
-Fixed basic proto issues with a female Dark Elf Bandit in Dernholm Pits: correct soundbank and portrait now.
-Fixed basic proto issues with a female Dark Elf Bandit in Elven Ruins: correct description, race, sounbank, stats and portrait now.
-Fixed a typo in the description for the Automaton's schematic.
-Fixed 15 typos and mistakes in rumor entries in the logbook.
-Replaced "Drog Blacktooth" with "Drog Black Tooth" in all rumors. Fixed the key's name as well.
-Fixed three broken lines (two of which were leading to a crash) in Salty Seadrick's dialogue and script.
-Fixed problems with three guards in the Panarii Temple in Caladon. Removed wrong scripts and dialogues, fixed their art and origins, and added missing armor.
-Fixed two typos in Thorvald's dialogue.
-Fixed several wrong conditions in Thorvald's dialogue and script.
-Fixed two mistakes in female lines in Gorrin's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Arronax's dialogue.
-Fixed two typos in Kraka-Tur's dialogue.
-Fixed three typos in Kerghan's dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in the dialogue for Zen Virgil talking about Kerghan.
-Fixed a typo in Miranda Tears' dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Pollock's door guard's dialogue.
-Fixed several typos in Muggs, Milo and Sebastian's dialogues.
-Fixed two typos in the quest logbook entries.
-Darian Maug's name is now consistent in all cases.
-Fixed various problems with the negotiations' quest and Farad's assassination's quest. Now, Vernon won't appear in the kitchen if you didn't accept Heinrich Jenks' quest. Also, the crate in the docks won't become usable once you've spoken with Renard.
-Fixed problems with the kitchen's door in the Caladon Castle. Now the guard opens it for you if you're in the middle of the negotiations' quest (accepted the quest but haven't finished it yet). Also, the door now works properly if you steal the key from the guard, or picklock it.
-Fixed two typos in Kerghan's dialogue.
-Joining Kerghan as a dummy with out Arronax in the party now works properly.
-Zen Virgil now doesn't attack you if you choose to join Kerghan. Surly Virgil, however, now attacks you in this case.
-Fixed a typo in Virgil's dialogue.
-Fixed two money loops with selling the painting to Thaddeus Mynor.
-Surly Virgil no longer talks with Nasrudin.
-K'an Hua's door now works properly.